Friday, April 5, 2013

Wrongful Convection

These are two stories of people that were wrongfully convicted of a crime that that had not committed. There was no DNA testing to prove your innocents.

People before there was DNA testing would get put into jail for things like being around the crime scene or even for their color of their skin. In a murder case of a white girl being murdered in a black community. The police needed suspects for this crime and they got three that they thought that had maybe had done it. They said that the cops had bullied the information out of them. The cops took the profile that was made and changed a few thing that would make it so it was as if they were the ones who had competed the murder. They told one that if he signed it that he could go home and see his mom but they just locked him up. They then locked up the others without telling them the charges. All of the details were lies in the trials that had sent these three boys to jail. They finally got a lawyer that would try to take the case back to trial she used her own money her own time but finally got them back to court and were freed do to a DNA test that proved that it wasn't them. Latter the real people did it conffesed and there was only two.

The second story is a boy that was convinced by the cops that he had killed his younger sister in the next room. The cops thought that it had been some inside the home because there was no forced enter to the home. They told his parents that they were taking him to grief counseling for the death of his sister but they took him in for interrogation. They told him that they had found her blood in his room. Latter they had found the man one had committed this crime proving the kids innocents.

I feel there is a lot of cases like these that never had a happy ending for these people they were never able to have DNA test to help their case and some still sit in jail for a crime they never committed.

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