Friday, December 14, 2012

Lucy the Human chimp

Lucy the human chimp had lived as a human and had never been away from he home and lived a good life as a chimp in the life of a human. 
Lucy was raised as a human but was a chimp but didn't know it. She was taken form her mom when she was young and grew up in a human family. She would make tea and she was taught how to sign to people to communicate with people. She had lived with her family for around ten years until she was to strong to live in the house. They tried to put a cage in the house for her to live in but it didn't work. So they tried to find some where to take her finally they found a place to keep her but she didn't like it. A lady that had meat with Lucy had came with them and she had stayed after they had left she knew Lucy didn't like it there. So she found a island that she could take Lucy and some of the other chimps to the island but they didn't like it at first but started to live there then she left Lucy there. She didn't return for a year and when she did Lucy came to see her. She left again and when she returned Lucy did not come to her she looked around and found her skeleton next to were she was living before she felt that it was poachers and she went up to them sense she had been around people all of her life.
When I heard this story I felt sad for what had happened to Lucy and how she had lived her life. I had never thought about these chimps that were raised as a human with a human family, and what these chimps feel when they are let go from the family they had grown up with the life they had learned to live all gone.